Directions to Nelson Cove

A map showing how to get to Nelson Cove (PDF format).

Note some alternative routes are given at the end.

Driving time from San Jose or San Francisco is about 3.5 hours.

From San Jose or South Bay:

From San Francisco or Oakland:

From Sacramento:

From Los Angeles, Fresno, and Southern California:

From Merced:

From highway 49 and Stumpfield Mountain Road:

Alternative route from San Jose over Altamont Pass:

Shortcut from Altamont Pass via Highway 132 to Modesto:

This shaves off some miles, and avoids the crunch around Tracy.

Alternative route from San Jose over Mount Hamilton:

This adds about 45 minutes (figure 2.5 hours from San Jose to I-5), plus however much time you spend at the Observatory. However, it's a very scenic (though winding) drive, and is unlikely to have much traffic, so it may make sense for holiday weekends.

Last modified: July 3, 2018.