Nelson Cove

Nelson Cove is the name of a 647-acre ranch (a full section) on the Chowchilla River in Mariposa County, California.

Directions to Nelson Cove.

The ranch is co-owned by Per Bothner and Nathan Williams.

Nelson Cove as a named geographical feature refers to the valley which is the main feature of the property. (We don't know who Nelson was.)

cove (noun) [Merriam-Webster]
3 a: a deep recess or small valley in the side of a mountain
b: a level area sheltered by hills or mountains

A map of the property.

Some historical notes.

Some selected pictures from Nelson Cove

Landscape pictures.
House construction.

More pictures:

Trips in 2001 (before the purchase):
First trip in March '01 (2001/3/26-28) [93 pictures].
Trip with Peter and Jim in May (2001/5/10-11) [32 pictures].
Trip with Jim and Peter in September 27 (2001/9/27) [26 pictures];
and and next day September 28 (2001/9/27) [20 pictures].

Pre-purchase trips in 2002:
Trip to meet with the Ponte brothers (2002/2/6-7) [4 pictures].
A hike from the frog pond to the NW corner and back. (2002/3/13) [9 pictures].
Quick April trip (2002/04/14) [5 pictures]

Four late Spring trips to Nelson Cove. (2002/5/10, 5/29-30, 6/5, 6/22) [7+6+6+4 pictures]

Hiking up the Chowchilla River and off the property. (2002/6/20) [15 pictures]

Two trips to Nelson Cove in July and August. (2002/7/27, 8/12) [5+5 pictures].

Lots of pictures of grape vines (8/25) [17 pictures].

Pictures of possible homesites near the small hill (9/15) [21 pictures].
Newer pictures from a possible home site at base of small hill (3/11) [13 pictures].
Also these pictures of the current choice (4/10) [12 pictures of the site].

Trips during 2003 in January (1/19) [32 pictures];
in February (2/17-18) [15 pictures];
in mid-March with Peter (3/11) [11 pictures];
in late March (3/30-31) [13 pictures];
in April with Jim and Peter (4/9-10) [30+6 pictures];
and in mid-May with Jim and Peter (5/13-15) [14 pictures].
Tom took these pictures in late May of mostly flowers (5/23-24) [51 pictures].
Two trips in June (6/7-8, 6/18) [12+3 pictures];
one in August (8/7-8) [19 pictures];
in September (9/02) [13 pictures].

Trips during 2004 in March (3/6-7) [14 pictures];
a walk above the East border of Nelson Cove (4/11);
views of April flowers and meadows (4/11);
a trip in post-rain November with Peter (11/13) [32 pictures].

Trips during 2005 after the big early-January storms (01/13-14) [62 pictures];
a March trip (03/12-13) [18 pictures];
a April trip with Jim and Peter (04/09-10) [46 pictures].
Some May flowers (05/15) [19 pictures].
Grading the building pad (06/07-08) .
A June trip with Jim and Peter (06/23-25) [15 pictures].
July river views (07/25-26) [3 pictures].
September and October trips (09/01, 09/29-30, 10/21-22).
A November trip, with new waterworks (11/10-11) [16 pictures].
A December trip, for pouring the foundation (12/13-14) [? pictures].

In 2006, a trip in January after framing was started (01/05-06);
later in January, with Peter, after framing continues (01/15).
Installation of the roof trusses. [7 picture] (01/30);
A mid-February trip, with Abe, and meeting Tom and Vo (02/11-12).
construction pictures [5+7 pictures] (02/23, 02/26).
An early March trip (03/02) [9 pictures].
A late March trip (03/22-24).
An exciting trip: First Mark's truck was stuck in the mud, blocking Stumpfield Mountain Road (4/7) [8 pictures].
Then an escapted convict steals one of the worker's truck, almost side-swiping Per while passing. There is a major man-hunt - or rather woman-hunt. The truck is recoved near the Frog Pond, but without the thief - who Nathan startles in our kitchen trailer. We send her on her way; she is captured the next day.
Pictures from the rest of the weekend (04/08-9).
A one-day trip with John (to meet with staircase builder) (04/23).
Two May trips (05/3-5, 05/12).
We had a large group on Memorial Day weekend (05/27-29) [9 pictures].
A mid-June trip trip (6/17-19).
A late June trip trip (6/25).
A early July trip trip (7/4-5).

In 2007:
A January trip to Nelson Cove.
At Nelson Cove we saw some wild turkeys (3/17).
The same trip the solar panels were installed (3/18).
An October Nelson Cove trip (2007/10/06-08).
Two November and December Nelson Cove trips (2007/11/09-12, 12/27-28).
During the latter we woke up to a snow-covered valley (2007/12/28).

In 2011:

In 2012:
in June with family (2012/06/09-10).
at Upper Falls in August with more family (2012/08/11).
Various landscapes and more.

Per Bothner